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Barack Obama: First Openly Feminist President

#BestFather #FirstFeministPresident #DoubleStandards #GlassCeiling #Intersectionality #UseYourVoice #FathersForDaughters #FeministDads...

Beyonce: Symbol of Black Feminism

#QueenBey #BeyonceFeminism #BlackFeminism #WomenEmpowerment #SexualFreedomForWomen #Intersectionality #ThirdWaveFeminism #MalcolmX...

Women Excluded from Video Games?

When I think of video games, I think of either my12 year old male cousin or my 21 year old boyfriend shooting people within their games...

Madonna's Feminist Evolution

Madonna has been a feminist icon since1982 until today. She started empowering women to control their own lives, to empower themselves...

Female Directors: Backwards Evolution

Today, women directors are a very low percentage of all directors due to discrimination and sexism. However, before this occurred, women...

Reality Television: Worth the Entertainment?

Everyone has a guilty pleasure of watching certain reality television shows. Whether it's on Bravo, E!, MTV, or another channel, we all...

Angelina Jolie Empowering Female Education

Angelina Jolie is an inspirational, dedicated feminist who advocates for change throughout the world, especially in education. Her...

To Hell with Gender Norms Ft. Men

From day one, men and women have been socially constructed into gender roles. Society expects both genders to act, dress, and speak in...

Gaga Feminism

Not only is Lady Gaga an iconic singer and actress, but she is a symbol of female strength for body appreciation, rape victims, and basic...

The Women with the Privilege to Say No

I read an article recently within The Atlantic called "Harvey Weinstein and the Economics of Consent" "The blunt power of the gatekeeper...

You Can't Be a Boss Chick if You're Dead

Did you know that women have different heart attack symptoms than men? Did you know that the number one cause of death of women is heart...

Ariana Grande Drops Music Like the Boys Do

In this article done by the Rolling Stone, it quotes how Ariana wants to drop music as fast as the rappers or the boys do. She wants to...

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